Workforce Essentials Recognizes Employees
The Discovery Park of American was host for Workforce Essentials [...]
Workforce Essentials Awarded Grant to Assist Transitioning Soldiers!
The Tennessee Department of Labor has awarded Workforce Essentials a [...]
New Members Appointed to the NTWB
As you are aware, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act [...]
Workforce Essentials’ Board Member Needs Your Support
A member of Workforce Essentials’ Board of Directors since 2010, [...]
Inside Workforce Development
Inside Workforce Development, a statewide summit hosted by the Tennessee [...]
Delegation attends NAWB Conference
A delegation from the North Tennessee Workforce Board and Workforce [...]
North Tennessee Workforce Board Meets in Springfield
The North Tennessee Workforce Board conducted their first meeting of [...]
2015 Starts with an Honor!
2015 Starts with an Honor! Last Monday, U.S. Secretary of [...]
2014 Ends with an Honor
Wow….Can you believe that 2014 is coming to a close? I [...]
Out with WIA – In with WOIA!
After 10 years of continuing resolutions on the Workforce Investment [...]