From Learning to Earning: The Impact of On-the-Job Training Programs
Throughout history, on-the-job training has been an important part of becoming a successful worker. On-the-job training focuses on teaching the skills your employees need while they perform their job duties. Offering on-the-job training can [...]
Clarksville AJC featured on Workforce GPS
Training and technical assistance is vitally important as we implement the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The U.S. Department of [...]
First Adult Education Graduation Held for Davidson County
I’m not sure how you spent your evening this past Friday, but I must share that mine was simply incredible! [...]
Governor’s Conference Celebrates Team Tennessee!
EVERY TEAM NEEDS A GAME PLAN! #TeamTN Gov. Bill Haslam and TNECD Commissioner Randy Boyd, along with state and local [...]
Workforce Essentials celebrates success by challenging staff to TRY DIFFERENT, NOT HARDER!
Workforce Essentials held its annual staff development and training at Old Glory in Clarksville. The event, organized to celebrate employee [...]
I am an Adult Education Success Story
My name is Diana, and I am 26 years old. I am an Adult Education success story. The day I [...]
Workforce Essentials Named Top Workplace in Tennessee!
The Tennessean has recognized 70 Companies and Organizations in Tennessee as Top Workplaces 2016. Top Workplaces are not only better [...]